a) weather conditions Siasati
- Try as much as possible to park cars in the roof, so avoid hot sun or rain directly. The sun's rays emanating constantly may damage the car paint. Similarly, if the car does not get rained on it will occur dried spots prickly stain fungus.
- At night, it is advisable to avoid direct contact between the cars with moisture as it can accelerate the emergence of rust. If you do not have a closed garage, the car should be covered with canvas bag or car.
b) Be careful to wash the car
- If you wash the car, it is recommended to avoid using soap. Gynecology chemicals in soap can diminish the brilliance of the paint.
- We recommend using a special shampoo to wash the car, but when forced out using soap / shampoo for the shower origin did not contain detergent.
- When a car washing soap should avoid sticking too long especially in the sun on the car body because it may cause patches of paint stains on the car. It better be done soon penyabunan doused with water.
- Washing the car, the most ideal, when the vehicle is cold and in the open again shade. Washed as soon as the car got a flat up detail of water spray, dry immediately with a cloth. Start with the glass and wiped his upper body. If possible ni when you have a compressor pump after the car was spray dried to a number of wind-pressure curve and the whole 'body'.
c) Avoid liquids that can damage the
- As far as possible avoid spillage of the paint from the fluid that can damage such as brake fluid, liquid oil and others. When exposed to spills immediately remove and clean.
d) Remove the coarse particles are attached to the car
- When painting a car or doing the erosion of the paint, consider the small particles that are often still attached to the car. This is very important to remember, a single particle can cause car paint scratched.
- Hilanghkan fine dust in the car, should be used for equipment cleaning duster can avoid exacting in the surface of the paint.
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