When it comes to modeling don't starve yourself to fit an image that you think will be more appealing for the modeling industry. Whether you are tall, short, petite, or full-figured there is a market for you. It's pointless and doesn't make any sense to go to that extreme. What usually happens is that most people reach their ideal weight and end up gaining all of the weight back and even more. I wasn't meant to be a size 2 and I am okay with that. I am a proud 6/8 and that hasn't prevented me from modeling.
In Hollywood everything depends on how you look. Most celebs won't admit the drastic measures they've taken to stay thin. They would much rather have the public think that they have it like that. Don't believe the hype because they are doing all kinds of things behind closed doors that we don't see. Lately Hollywood has made being pregnant so attractive. The celebrities are dropping the baby weight faster than a speeding bullet. It's not real! With access to lots of cash, nutritionists, trainers, and plastic surgeons everything becomes possible.